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📣 We are happy to introduce one of the partners of the project, NTUA 📣

The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is the oldest and most prestigious educational institution in Greece in the field of technology (founded in 1836). NTUA participates in numerous national and international projects, trains a large number of PhD and Post-Doc students and produces a high number of publications. The courses offered in the Schools of NTUA have a five-year duration and form Integrated Master's Degrees. NTUA also provides additional specialised MSc courses, two of which are coordinated by the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSE): MSc in Geoinformatics and MSc in Environment and Development and are closely linked to the project thematic.

InPlanEd is coordinated by the Sustainable Mobility Unit (SMU) of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning of SRSE. Founded in 1998, SMU works in the intersection of spatial planning, mobility planning and urban geography, and its research interests include: integrated urban-transport planning, advanced spatial analysis, urban morphology and space syntax, walkability, accessibility-equity, transport policy-planning, and future urban mobility.

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